Membership Services from the World Crisis Web

Join the World Crisis Web

The World Crisis Web was launched in June 2001, and since that time it has served as a collection point for some of the best material available on the global crisis of greed and power. In the time before the site was taken down in July 2005, over six million people made it their port of call for ground breaking news, analysis, and art.

Since the relaunch in January 2009, you too can become part of the World Crisis Web by signing up for free membership. Members will be immediately entitled to post their views on the hundreds of analysis articles on the site, this time using a secure facility designed to prevent their private details becoming public.

At some point in the future, the site will broaden out to include a forum for free mutual discussion and group planning, to which all members will have access. It is also hoped that entirely member-run sections of the site will be set up, to allow members to post their own news, analysis, and art.

For now, all members will also receive periodic summaries of the best articles on the World Crisis Web, as well as analysis and comment (as always selected for quality) from other key sites.

If you like the idea of taking part, you will need to register using the form below. In doing so, you will have complete control over whether any of your private details are available for viewing by other members.

Spammers and cold-calling marketeers are the enemy of the World Crisis Web, and your privacy rights are paramount.

As a member you can be confident that the site will under no circumstances whatsoever, sell, exchange, or otherwise give your private details to any third parties, whoever they may be.


This is the name you must use to login, so remember it well.


Confirm Password

Screen Identity

This is the name that the world will come to know as the author of your posts.

Your Email Address

This must be a valid address. If not, you won't be able to register or login.

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